We understand that in some cases, you may not have access to or be able to obtain a valid phone number for the recipient. Not to worry, we've got you covered! Here's how you can proceed:
- Enter Your Own Phone Number: If you don't have the recipient's phone number, you can enter your own phone number during the checkout process. This allows the florist to contact you directly if needed, ensuring a smooth delivery experience.
- Add a Note to the Florist: When entering your own phone number, please make sure to add a note in the "instructions to the florist" field. Clearly indicate that the specified phone number belongs to you, the customer, and not the recipient. This helps avoid any confusion and ensures that the florist contacts the right person in case of any delivery-related issues.
By providing your own phone number and adding a note to the florist, you can rest assured that your order will be handled with care and attention to detail, even without a recipient's phone number.
If you have any further questions or need assistance with your order, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We're here to help and ensure that your floral gift is delivered seamlessly, every time.
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